Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Starting Line

Does it still count as crying if your eyes well up with tears but they don't actually fall down your face?

I start my new job today and I have a million and one distractions tugging at my sleeves and even at my eyes. I guess this is good practice for when I become a surgeon. I can't believe I'm saying this but I can't wait for school to start again. I'll probably change my mind once I'm halfway through the semester because it's a whole lot harder than the last, but right now I need a distraction to distract me from all of my other distractions. Does that make sense? On Sunday I told someone that I felt like I wasn't thinking about this situation as much. I think I was kidding myself. I'm not sure why today is especially hard but for some reason it is. Maybe because I've been listening to the song below on repeat... Maybe I told him that I'm not thinking as much about this because despite everything being dark I've been catching glimpses of sunlight, very small ones, but they're there. In no way does this give me hope or make me feel better but it's a start.

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